In Person Meeting List
Online Meeting List
How to update your meeting
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Returning to in-person and updating meeting info

Updating Meeting Listings

Any changes to existing meetings please email or call the office (202)-966-9115.

When or if a meeting decides to return as an “in person” meeting or as a “hybrid” meeting WAIA will update the meeting’s listing and remove the “temporarily closed” indicator. 

Returning to in-person meeting considerations

WAIA is not an authoritative body over A.A. groups, nor does it initiate rules or directives, as each A.A. group and entity is independent and decisions are made through an individual group’s conscience. AA’s Fourth Tradition reminds us that “each group is autonomous.” We encourage meetings to create and hold an informed group conscience to make decisions about when and how to return to meeting in-person.

Providing health guidance is well outside the scope of WAIA’s purpose and capabilities. Meetings and groups are encouraged to follow CDC guidelines as well as obey local, state, and federal laws. Any meeting or group that has health or safety questions may wish to consider contacting the appropriate national, state, and local government agencies for guidance. Additionally, meetings may wish to consult with their landlords, who may have specific guidance or further requirements.  

Links to Official Resources

The online resource for Alcoholics Anonymous in the nation's capital.