Finance Committee

Recent Events
and Finance
The board approved this budget in November 2022:

Budget Review – 2023

Suggested language for 7th Tradition: The Washington Area Intergroup Association (WAIA) needs our support. Last year’s revenue was $36K less than expenses. Revenue so far this year is $11K less than expenses. Please help ensure that the office can continue to serve as AA’s DC headquarters; answering calls 24/7, maintaining a current record of all meetings in the area, and providing other essential services to the still sick and suffering alcoholic. You can make a contribution directly on the WAIA website, or via Venmo @WAIADC.

You can print and pass out this notice at your meetings or share the link in your Zoom.

The 2022 Budget was passed in the board meeting on November 9, 2021.

Thank you to all of those who submitted New Initiatives proposals. At the July 8 board meeting, based on the recommendation of the ad hoc committee and the executive committee, 8 proposals were passed. You can see the details of the new initiatives proposals here. In addition to new initiatives, we sent $10,000 to GSO [see their confirmation of contribution response].

Groups have asked why WAIA continues to need their support. It is important that WAIA continues to receive regular contributions to maintain our ongoing expenses for the office, phone lines and staff salaries. We have begun sending a new form similar to the one in the AA pamphlet “Where Money and Spirituality Mix” allowing groups more choices in how they distribute their funds.

February 9: The board passed a motion to set WAIA’s prudent reserve to one year operating expenses.
Prudent Reserve Memo, 1/11/2021
Archive Committee Report on Prudent Reserve, 12/7/2021


GSO Update, June 20, 2020: In an effort to keep the membership informed during this challenging time we would like to share a brief three-minute video update from Leslie Backus, the Class A (nonalcoholic) treasurer of our General Service Board.

The GSO average monthly expenses are $1.4m (supported in a typical month by $730k in literature sales and $670k in contributions). April was already down to $685k, with a shortfall of $700K. This gap is expected to continue for 3-4 months without a call to the fellowship for contributions.
The full letter from GSO

May 17, 2020: Workshop Notes: Online Tools for Collecting Online/Virtual Contributions
Sample Treasurer Script
(Monthly P&L, Balance Sheet and Board reports)

June 2023

May 2023

April 2023

February 2023

January 2023

2023 Budget

2022 Monthly Reports

2021 Budget Actuals

2021 Monthly Reports

2020 Budget Actuals

2020 Monthly Reports

Resources for Treasurers

-New! SMF-223 – FAQ on Practicing the Seventh Tradition at Virtual Meetings
F-3 – Self-Support Where Money & Spirituality Mix
F-96 The AA Group Treasurer
MG-15 – AA Guidelines Finance
AA Tradition – How it Developed, Bill W. (Tradition 7 p8, 27-35) 
Traditions Checklist (Grapevine) 7th Tradition (p.3-4)

Digital Contributions Platform: This is a quick reference guide to various online digital payment platforms curated by the Intergroup serving San Francisco & Marin.

This page is maintained by the WAIA Treasurer and Finance chair to share ideas and best practices for AA Treasurers in the Washington-DC metro area. If you have any questions or have items you’d like to see here, please email us at or

The online resource for Alcoholics Anonymous in the nation's capital.